Look at any list of jobs that cause a lot of stress, and you’ll inevitably find “lawyer” somewhere close to No. 1. Spending so much time in court or poring through legal documents can take a huge toll on attorneys. About 78% admit to feeling burned out.
Legal proceedings can also have a gigantic impact on their clients. If you’re preparing to file a personal injury lawsuit, you should know that high stress levels will likely come along with it.
Securing personal injury legal funding is an effective way to combat this stress. You can eliminate at least some of it with pre-settlement lawsuit funding, also known as plaintiff investment funding or a cash advance on lawsuit funds, through Apex Legal Funding in New York.
Learn more about what makes pre-settlement funding essential for those filing personal injury lawsuits below.
What Is Pre-Settlement Funding?
Filing a personal injury lawsuit following a car accident, a workplace accident, a slip-and-fall accident, or another type of accident is a viable way to begin to bounce back from the ordeal. By making a personal injury claim, you can put yourself in a position to secure the funds you need to pay medical bills, cover lost wages, take care of legal expenses, and provide financial stability in other areas of life.
However, many personal injury lawsuits take months and sometimes even years to play out. Pre-settlement funding can bridge the gap between the time you file a personal injury lawsuit and the time you collect compensation following a settlement or judgment.
Once approved for personal injury legal funding, you can use it to cover any expenses you’d like. It’s a solid solution for those who have either started to take on too much debt in the aftermath of an accident or struggled to stay afloat financially without a steady income.
How Does Personal Injury Legal Funding Work?
Does personal injury legal funding sound like exactly what you need to work your way through litigation without worrying too much about your finances? Apex Legal Funding makes it simple to apply.
Just follow these steps:
- Fill out an application through Apex Legal Funding.
- Give us time to review and approve your application.
- Receive a cash advance on pending lawsuit funds within 24 hours.
From there, you can utilize your pre-settlement funding without restrictions. You can also spend the money without being concerned about making monthly payments to repay it.
Since pre-settlement funding from Apex Legal Funding operates as a cash advance on lawsuit funds, a percentage of any compensation you receive in the form of a settlement or judgment in your case will go to us to satisfy its terms.
What Are the Benefits of Securing a Cash Advance on Pending Lawsuit Funds?
According to a recent survey, almost half of American adults don’t have $500 in their savings accounts. This can put these people into a tricky spot if they’re ever badly injured in an accident and begin piling up medical bills and other unexpected expenses. They can file a personal injury lawsuit to make things right, but that could still leave them without enough money for months or years on end.
The biggest benefit of securing personal injury legal funding is that it’ll allow you to pocket the money you need now instead of waiting for it to arrive later. You can also avoid digging yourself into debt and dealing with the astronomical interest rates that some credit card companies and lenders charge.
Here are other key benefits of securing a cash advance on pending lawsuit funds:
- Provides access to legal funding within 24 hours in many cases
- Requires no collateral and serves as a form of non-recourse debt
- Comes with no strings attached as far as what you can use it for
Plus, remember all that stress you’ll have to live with when you file a personal injury lawsuit that we referenced earlier? You’ll find that much of it will go away when you don’t have financial issues hanging over your head.
Who Can You Trust for Pre-Settlement Lawsuit Funding?
Hundreds of thousands of personal injury lawsuits are filed in the U.S. each year. Because of this, there isn’t any shortage of companies that can provide plaintiffs in these lawsuits with pre-settlement funding.
So, which one should you rely on? Ideally, you should work with a company like Apex Legal Funding that has plenty of experience in this particular industry. We have simplified the application process for personal injury legal funding, providing our clients easy access to cash advances on lawsuit funds.
We also understand the importance of attorney cooperation in these matters. We can work to bring your lawyer on board with the idea of securing the funding you need during legal proceedings.
Contact Us To Discover More About Pre-Settlement Funding
The pre-settlement funding options available through Apex Legal Funding can help you skip some of the stress that typically comes with filing a personal injury lawsuit. Call us at 800-377-4934 today to find out more about how we can help when it comes to pre-settlement funding and car accidents.
FAQs About Personal Injury Legal Funding
If you have questions regarding personal injury legal funding, look for the answers below.
How Can I Apply For Personal Injury Legal Funding?
You can apply for personal injury legal funding by filling out the form on our website. Apex Legal Funding will review your application quickly, and if you’re approved, you’ll receive a cash advance on pending lawsuit funds within 24 hours.
What Can I Use a Cash Advance on Lawsuit Funds For?
You can use a cash advance on lawsuit funds for anything you want. Some plaintiffs use cash advances to cover medical bills, while others utilize them for everyday expenses like rent, gas, and groceries.
Should I Take Out Pre-Settlement Lawsuit Funding?
You should take out pre-settlement lawsuit funding or at least consider doing it if a car accident or another accident has impacted your financial situation. Personal injury legal funding can prevent you from having to wait for a settlement or judgment to arrive.